



ECTS is an accreditation system developed by the European Union to facilitate student mobility and to ensure that the education of students abroad is recognized in their own country. Due to the differences in education and grading systems between countries, it is imperative to use a common language in determining the course load of students and transferring their grades. For this purpose, ECTS credits are determined for each course, and grades are converted into letter grades with the help of ECTS grading system. 
ECTS credit is a unit that expresses all of the work (theoretical course, practice, seminar, individual study, exams, assignments, etc.) that a student must do in order to successfully complete a course. In ECTS, 60 ECTS credits are given for one academic year of education and 30 ECTS credits for one semester of education. The main purpose of the ECTS grading system is to provide transparency that will provide additional information to higher education institutions about the student's performance. 

For more detailed information about ECTS, you can use the guide on the following website: 

Important Information for Exchange Students 


The home institution of the incoming student sends his/her Student Application Form, Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records to AKEV. In coordination with the International Relations Committee, the departmental Erasmus coordinator accepts the application after consulting with the Department. International Relations Committee confirms the decision to the sending institution and issues a “Letter of Acceptance” for the exchange student. 

When the exchange student arrives at BELEK he/she checks his/her learning agreement with the departmental coordinator and makes the changes if necessary. If there are any changes, a modified learning agreement is sent to the student’s home institution for approval. 

When the exchange period ends, the student is given the Transcript of Records which implements the studies completed at BELEK. The Transcript of Records lists the course units taken, the credits gained, the local grades awarded and the corresponding ECTS grades. The “Confirmation of Attendance” is also sent to the student and sending institution within one month after the end of exchange period. Student’s home institution uses the Transcript of Records for academic recognition as well. 

Grade Conversion Chart
▶ How We Will Apply Erasmus
▶ Calculation of ECTS Course Credits
▶ Antalya BELEK University Diploma Supplement
▶ Antalya BELEK University Diploma Supplement - Associate Degree